India won the World Cup. The euphoria reached a hilt at one point when enthusiasts demonstrated their emotions on the furniture outside pitstop! 6.30 am next morning. 23 sleepy students. Waiting at Pit Stop. Still celebrating???
Naaa! We left behind Bhaji’s captaincy for something even more fun – a trek with General Mehta, our CO and inspiration for numerous initiatives at FLAME.
There were some samples of course; some were literally dragged out of bed like our Gandhiji Vickey (ahem... Dipika had to do the honours of dragging her bhiya out!)
On the way up the hill, General Mehta shared a few precious memories of his time spent in Kashmir and the jawan’s life in the Indian Army, extremely inspiring. It felt so great...an honour to be able to hear his stories and be a part of the experience.

As with all awesome things, the fun part came right at the end, while walking half way down the constructed road, some of our crazy UG girls came up with the brilliant idea of taking the ‘off the beaten track’ - a slope cutting almost 75 degree right down, leading us to the golf course! Now, normally, we would have taken the sane road and come down like respective (read boring people) but no, the crazy gang with our 60 year young leader went down the rubble filled slope!
Slip! Tumble, scratch! Ouch! Through muck, slippery grass, and a lot more, we managed to paint our bottoms a healthy earthy shade, what with everyone sliding down with no clue as to where their feet slip next!
It wasn’t exactly the most strenuous trek, neither was it tiring, yes we all came back all dirty, but with big grins all across our excited faces, and most important of all - the fun-o-meter – I rate that a 100%!
Cheers to more such adventures at FLAME!